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FAQ: Insurance & Hail Damage

Q: What if the Insurance Company Denies, Delays or Low-Balls?
example of roof damageA: In my experience, most of the times the insurance company does the right thing. Sometimes, the insurance company will have an “independent” engineer or roofer come to inspect the roof. That “independent” engineer or roofer may say that the roof has no damage...the insurance company may deny the claim ... The insurance company’s “no,” is not the end of the inquiry…it is just the beginning.

Click here to find out what to do if your insurance company says "no".


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We at Curb Appeal Roofing Construction love the look and resiliency of DaVinci's multi-width composite slate tile blends. With up to eight different tones per roofing blend, you can find one that gives natural variance in color patterns to add long-lasting beauty to your home or business roof.

Below, find examples of DaVinci's Multi-Width impact and wind resistant synthetic blend slate tiles. They are beautiful in detail.

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Hits: 6457

Posted by on in Yukon


Below, find some Yukon Oklahoma community resources.

Since we at Curb Appeal Roofing Construction work with home owners and business owners to repair storm damage to Yukon Oklahoma residential roofs or Yukon Oklahoma commercial roofs, we've listed Yukon Oklahoma community resources you may need in after a major storm or disaster. Below those listings are other Yukon Oklahoma community resources.

City of Yukon Website:

City of Yukon Oklahoma Departments:

City of Yukon Oklahoma Emergency Management:
City of Yukon Oklahoma Severe Weather Shelter Registration:

Yukon Oklahoma City Council:

For other community resources, events, and fun thins to do in Yukon Oklahoma, go to our next blog.

Hits: 6677

Posted by on in Hail Damage

Oklahoma Roofing Contractor Certified

Oklahoma Roofing Contractor Certified

Pictured Above: Siding Damage

Some hail damage is easy to spot – like when it knocks holes in your pool screen, or dents the metal or lead boots on your roof.

DEGRANULATION - But, just as significant for the integrity of the roof is hail damage that can only be seen close up. Often when hail hits a roof it causes what is known as “degranulation” of the shingles. Degranulation can only be seen on close inspection by someone who knows what they are looking for. When hail causes degranulation, the integrity of the shingle is compromised, and the serviceable life of the shingle is significantly shortened. This warrants roof replacement under your homeowners insurance policy.


Guide For Hail Damage of a Roof

Oklahoma Roofing Contractor Certified Oklahoma Roofing Contractor Certified
Wood Shake Damage Modified Bitumen Damage

If you are a homeowner that has recently been through a hailstorm and would like to inspect it for hail damage, the following quick guide will give you a basic understanding of what to look for.

Inspect your roof promptly after a storm: Any storm or wind alone can damage a roof, so the sooner you inspect the roof after a storm, the better you can avoid leak damage inside the home. If an insurance claim for roof damage is warranted, you'll be able to provide better data to support your claim.

Inspect your roof gutters and the ground: before and after a storm. If the gutters were clean and after the storm they are loaded with mineral granules you have strong evidence of roof wear and damage due to the hail storm.

Free Inspection: If you spot a potential issue during your annual checkup or suspect any sort of wind or hail damage after a severe storm, you may always contact Curb Appeal Roofing Construction for a free roof inspection. Just call us at 405.601.9222.

Our trained representative can discover if there is hidden damage. We can distinguish between hail damage from natural wear and hail damage from a storm. We'll also educate you on your findings. And, we'll make recommendations as to whether a repair is needed and/or call to the insurance company is necessary. Read on for more useful tips and information!

Oklahoma Roofing Contractor Certified Oklahoma Roofing Contractor Certified
HVAC Hail Damage TPO Damage


Size of Hail and Examples of Damage

If you were around during the hailstorm and have an idea of the size of hail that fell, it will give you a basis for what kind of roof hail damage to expect. Here's some examples of damage resulting from different sizes of hail.

Less Than 1 Inch: When smaller than an inch (or about the size of a quarter) hail can inflict damage to asphalt roofing. Most often though, this damage can be more difficult to identify. You may require the assistance of a trained roofing inspector to accurately identify any hail damage.

1 Inch – 2 Inch: If the hail size is between 1 and 2 inches (or between quarter and the size of an egg) hail damage should be more easily seen on the asphalt shingles themselves, as well as any soft metal on the roof.

Greater Than 2 Inches: If any of the hail is greater than 2 inches, it will almost guarantee some level of hail damage to an asphalt roof. If this has happened to your property, contact your preferred roofing or construction contractor for a full assessment of damages. Notify your insurance company.


Hail Damage to An Asphalt Roof

Oklahoma Roofing Contractor Certified Oklahoma Roofing Contractor Certified
Hail Hits on Asphalt Shingles Closeup of Hail Damage

When searching for the hail damage to an asphalt roof, look at the following susceptible areas first:

Oklahoma Roofing Contractor Certified
Soft Metal Damage

Soft Metal: First, search for damage to any soft metal on the roof. Check roof vents, skylights, flashing, metal valleys, gutters and any other soft metal on the roof. Soft metal damage will not only show signs of hail, but also indicate the size of the hail that damaged the roof.

Ridges: The very peak of a ridge (or ridge cap) will take a hail hit directly, as opposed to the glancing blows on the main pitched roof slopes. Also - due to their location, ridges are more susceptible to damaging hail hits, regardless of the direction from which the hailstorm came.


It's a good idea to inspect your roof at least annually. We recommend you do it before and after the severe weather seasons in Oklahoma. In this way, you can find and fix damage before it becomes a more costly leak.

You can call Curb Appeal Roofing Construction to help you inspect your roof. Remember, we offer free roof inspections. 405.601.9222

Hits: 7245

Posted by on in Yukon

Posted by on in Yukon

Below, find some Yukon Oklahoma community resources.

Since we at Curb Appeal Roofing Construction work with home owners and business owners to repair storm damage to Yukon Oklahoma residential roofs or Yukon Oklahoma commercial roofs, we've listed Yukon Oklahoma community resources you may need in after a major storm or disaster. Below those listings are other Yukon Oklahoma community resources.

City of Yukon Website:

City of Yukon Oklahoma Departments:

City of Yukon Oklahoma Emergency Management:
City of Yukon Oklahoma Severe Weather Shelter Registration:

Yukon Oklahoma City Council:

For other community resources, events, and fun thins to do in Yukon Oklahoma, go to our next blog.

Hits: 5924

GAF Also produces EverGuard Extreme® 60 mil TPO, EverGuard Extreme® 70 mil TPO, and EverGuard Extreme® 80 mil TPO. The 70 mil EverGuard Extreme® TPO is the perfect replacement for standard 80 mil TPO membranes, offering superior performance at an economical price. Whereas the 80 mil is their thickest, highest performing TPO roofing membrane, suitable for standard use or able to meet the most demanding situations. These are perfect for Oklahoma Commercial Roofs.

All of these products are manufactured with their new technology named EverGuard Extreme® , which was developed to protect your Oklahoma commercial roof under extreme heat and UV situations.

As more and more companies install and mount solar panels directly on their commercial membrane roofs, new challenges are faced in roofing technology to meet the extreme heat build up which occurs on the roofing surfaces near the solar panels. Without enhanced UV and heat protection, your roofing membranes can fail early. Removing the BIPV and repairing failed roofing membrane is expensive.

EverGuard Extreme® TPO was engineered to last longer with solar installations. EverGuard Extreme® TPO uses proprietary stabilizers and UV absorbers to create a TPO roofing system for Oklahoma roofs that will withstand the most severe weathering and aging situations.

Please read more about this on their page:

Hits: 6449

GAF has a TPO product that is Fleece-backed. It allows you to install this new roofing system over your existing Oklahoma roof. You can even install it over abrasive surfaces! If your current roof is a concrete or granule-surfaced membrane roof, no protective sheet is required to install this new roof.

Additional pluses: it can be mechanically attached, fully adhered using adhesives, or mopped in hot asphalt.

And, to meet the demands Oklahoma Commercial Roofs, it even has configurations for enhanced hail resistance!

Hits: 6907

If you want to add color to your Oklahoma TPO roof, maybe make a compelling statement or even place your company logo on your commercial building roof, you can do it with TPO roofing products from GAF and Mule-Hide.

GAF has standard colors, pre-formulated colors, and a huge selection of custom colors. On their website, they state that no other single-ply or metal roofing manufacturer offers more color choices than they do. (Here is their article: ) Additionally, most colors come with their reflective and energy cost reducing "Cool Color" technology. Add to this, special pigment to reduce fading, and you can have a roof top that is highly personalized. Custom order matching roofing system accessories are also available.

Their TPO roofing accessories and components include an extensive line of flashing accessories which are heat welded to their roofing membrane.  These work well in Oklahoma for Oklahoma commercial roofs. The stnadard colors for their flashing accessories are usually white, gray, and tan.


Hits: 7070

GAF has come out with an extremely durable, high-performance TPO membrane roofing technology that is perfect for Oklahoma Roofing and for Oklahoma commercial roof jobs. This is so new, it is patent pending! You can read more about it here:

This is such an amazing product, that GAF is calling it the "next generation". They've named it EverGuard Extreme® TPO Roofing. Currently, they manufacture it in 50, 60, 70, and 80 mil.

It's mission: provide "next-generation performance against heat aging and UV degradation". *

Of course, you will also want to ask us about their highly rated, value-priced Smooth TPO Roofing System. They named it EverGuard® TPO, probably because they wanted to convey the idea that it would guard your building for a long time. It is puncture resistant, had strong seams, is cost-effective, and provides a high level of protection against weathering. This is a very reliable roofing system for Oklahoma commercial roofs. This TPO product is also well suited to the needs of Oklahoma commercial roofs.


* From

Hits: 6628

Self-adhering Modified Bitumen System Roofs work well for a wide range of substrates and base piles - and without asphalt or flames! They will even work well for steep or low slope roofs.

Modified Bitumen Roof Systems are available in a number of colors and are flame, fume, and pollution free. They are easily repaired year after year. You can easily make cutouts or tie-ins.

Mule-Hide provides a Modified Bitumen Roof System that is waterproof, has stronger and more reliable seams and laps, and is ideal for new construction or retrofit installation.

Self-adhering Modified Bitumen roofs are ideal for owners who don't want hot asphalt, fumes, or flames near the building. This type of roofing has minimal disruption to a building's operation and environment.

Hits: 6338

Mule-Hide really does manufacture an affordable TPO Membrane Roofing System. Their products are based upon technology that was developed in the automotive industry to create impact and UV resistant products.

Mule-Hide TPO roofing is available in White, Gray, and Tan. Other colors are available by special order. You can also order the membranes in fleece-backed versions. Special order colors include a variety of browns, blues, reds, greens, and grays such as sky blue, regal blue, teal, and a blue-green color they call Tropical Patina.

Mule-Hide's TPO Membrane Roofing is great for Oklahoma weather! It's lightweight yet resistant to impact, tears, punctures, and heavy wind uplift - the very things that assault a roof in hail storms, heavy storms, or heavy winds.

Curb Appeal Construction also likes Mule-Hide's TPO membrane roofing products because they are environmentally friendly: you won't get any plasticizer migration, there's no chlorine in the product, and it's even recyclable! You can hardly beat that!


It's important to know that your investment is protected by a great warranty. And, Mule-Hide offers an extensive warranty program. You can choose from several warranty options including membrane warranties and system warranties.

Hits: 5253

This is a great choice for everyday type roofing needs for your TPO roof here in Oklahoma. The 50 mil EverGuard Extreme® TPO can cost-effectively replace standard 60 mil TPO roofing.

This roof really meets the challenges of heat build up on flat or low slope roofing systems on Oklahoma Commercial roofs. The 50 mil EverGuard Extreme® TPO has advanced Heat & UV protection.

This is also the roofing system you'll want to consider if you have solar panels mounted directly onto your white roofing membrane. Without enhanced UV and heat protection systems, your commercial TPO roof membranes can fail prematurely.

EverGuard Extreme® TPO was engineered to protect premature failure in TPO roofs, due to high heat and solar loading.

While TPO single-ply roofing membranes have an excellent history in protecting Oklahoma commercial roofs, they are subject to damage by extreme heat, sunlight and UV. According to GAF, solar panels can create areas of high temperatures up to 190 degrees F on roofing areas immediately near them. See for a discussion about this. 

GAF's solution is the EverGuard Extreme®: TPO formulated for the most severe weather and temperature commercial roofing system needs.


Hits: 5051


These TPO membrane roofs have a thick top of the scrim - one of the thickets top plies in the TPO industry! Ask us about the systems and how these TPO products can help protect your building while keeping your pocket book happy.

Additionally, TPO Membrane Roofing Systems keep out moisture, flex in hot and cold temperature (so they won't crack or split), can handle extreme temperatures and even heavy downpours.

Are you considering the type of roofing to put on your new construction project? TPO Membrane roofs are ideal. Their lightweight materials make them perfect, as they will not add weight to roof decks. Yet, they are strong enough to support rootfop traffic, equipment, and work.

Here's another plus with TPO Membrane Roofs: they can be repaired! You can repair portions of it throughout the years. And, you can even clean it so it keeps it's great looking appearance year after year.

Hits: 4999

Curb Appeal Construction also installs Mule-Hide's TPO Roofing Systems. We like them because they are economical, have all the accessories you need to assemble them, and even all the accessories you need to complete the roofing details. Add to this, Curb Appeal Construction knows how to install these TPO Roofing Systems quickly, with energy efficient results. These economical TPO Roofing systems are available in widths of up to 12', making for less seams and less labor costs.

TPO products are a good choice for commercial roofs, as they are resistant to many things - such as fire, UV, industrial pollutants, air-conditioning pollutants, and airborne bacteria.



The white surfaces of these TPO roofing systems can reflect up to 78% of the sun's rays! This will even reduce the heat build-up under the TPO membrane.

Hits: 5325

If you want a great looking TPO roof for your Oklahoma building, GAF’s RoofMatch™ SBS Granular membranes are tough, resilient modified bitumen membranes products. The core is a strong, resilient, non-woven polyester mat that is coated with flexible, SBS polymer-modified asphalt and is surfaced with mineral granules.

This RoofMatch™ SBS Granular Membrane is designed for new roofing and reroofing applications and for the construction of flashings. RoofMatch™ SBS Granular Membrane is also an ideal product for repairs of built-up roofing membranes or other modified bitumen systems.

GAF has guarantees available for up to 15 years, with select system constructions having guarantees available up to 20 year guarantee coverage. This TPO product is lightweight. It weighs less than 2 pounds per square foot. It’s also a perfect product if you want lasting performance. RoofMatch™ SBS Granular Membrane's polyester mat core allows it to resist splits and tears due to its pliability and elongation characteristics. It’s available in five granular colors; hickory, shakewood, slate, weathered wood, and tan. This really expands your curb appeal options for your roof!

Hits: 5475

We at Curb Appeal Roofing Construction are delighted with GAF’s EnergyCap™ brilliant white cap sheets. You can get the safety of RUBEROID®MB and GAFGLAS®BUR Multi-ply Roofing Systems.

We know your energy costs are soaring. With this GAF’s TPO membrane roofing system, you can have a protective TPO membrane roofing system PLUS a high amount of energy saving.

Even sweeter: GAF’s TPO membrane fire retardant and brilliant white cap sheets are up to 45% less in costs to install than OTHER ENERGY STAR® products. These brilliant-white cap sheets exceed the minimum reflectivity requirements as well as the reflectivity and emissivity of Title 24—to save you money.

Curb Appeal Roofing and Construction can apply this TPO roofing system to a new roof or to reroofing requirements. The premium energy saving white elastomeric coating saves time and labor. You do NOT have to apply the coating after the membrane has been installed. You won’t need to apply multiple coats, staging the applications. Instead, it comes ready to install! Truly a time and money saver in TPO roofing for Oklahoma!

Hits: 5648

Curb Appeal Roofing Company is one of the only commercially certified roofing companies in Oklahoma. One of the products we like is GAF’s RUBEROID® EnergyCap MOP PLUS GRANULE FR. This TPO roofing system is a premium, heavy duty, fire-retardant modified bitumen membrane with a factory applied layer of TOPCOAT® EnergyCote elastomeric coating. (We’ll talk more about TOPCOAT in our next post.) At its core, you’ll find a strong, resilient non-woven polyester mat that is coated with a fire-retardant SBS polymer- modified asphalt. This TPO material is surfaced with mineral granules that are coated with a brilliant white cap sheet. This coating is extraordinary for energy cost saving!

Curb Appeal Roofing Construction knows how to install RUBEROID® EnergyCap MOP PLUS GRANULE FR for both new roofing and reroofing applications. This is another great product if you want long- term roof system performance.

  • Guarantees: GAF has system guarantees available for up to 20 yearsResilient: This is another truly resilient GAF roofing product. RUBEROID® EnergyCap MOP PLUS GRANULE FR’s heavy weight polyester mat core allows it to resist splits and tears due its pliability and elongation characteristics.
  • Durable: This roofing product is a specially formulated modified asphalt with RUBEROID® EnergyCap MOP PLUS GRANULE FR, giving lasting performance.
  • RUBEROID® EnergyCap MOP PLUS GRANULE FR is backed by GAF, a company with over 100 years in the roofing business. They know their business and know how to protect your important investment – your roofing system!
  • RUBEROID® EnergyCap MOP PLUS GRANULE FR modified bitumen membrane is available in highly reflective brilliant white only. Remember, this is termed a “BRILLIANT WHITE”, with almost three times the reflectivity of standard white cap sheets.

Please read our next October post about GAF’s energy star saving roof systems.

Hits: 5991

We like the RUBEROID® ULTRACLAD® SBS Foil-Faced Membrane. It is a premium, fire-retarding bitumen membrane manufactured according to the stringent GAF specifications. RUBEROID® ULTRACLAD® SBS Foil-Faced Membrane is manufactured using a high tensile woven fiberglass scrim that is coated with an SBS modified asphalt. This provides excellent cold temperature flexibility and has elongation properties. The membrane is covered with a protective foil facing, with small built-in controls.

We use the RUBEROID® ULTRACLAD® SBS Foil-Faced Membrane for new roofing and reroofing applications where long-term flashing and roof system performance is specified. RUBEROID® ULTRACLAD® SBS Foil-Faced Membrane can be applied using heat welding methods. The product has guarantees available for up to 20 years and is available in aluminum.

RUBEROID® ULTRACLAD® SBS Foil-Faced Membrane is used as a premium modified cap sheet in SBS modified or BUR system flashing. It’s embossed metal surface provides pleasing aesthetics and energy saving reflectivity.

Hits: 5415

For long-term, excellent results, Gaf has developed the RUBEROID® MOP PLUS GRANULE FR. This TPO product is a premium, heavy duty, fire-retarding modified bitumen membrane. And, you know it’s excellent because GAF has manufactured it! GAF is highly experienced and innovative in developing only the very best roofing products for commercial and residential use. At this product’s core is a strong, resilient non-woven polyester mat. GAF coats the mat with an inherently fire retardant SBS polymer-modified asphalt. It is surfaced with mineral granules.

Curb Appeal Roofing & Construction is trained and certified to apply this TPO roofing product. Our experienced roofing company team can use RUBEROID® MOP PLUS GRANULE FR new roofing and reroofing applications. If you are interested in long-term roof system performance, this is a perfect fit for you.

Here’s some benefits of this GAF TPO roofing material:

  • System guarantees are available for up to 20 years
  • COATINGS: No coating required for Class A ratings from UL and FMRC
  • Lightweight: This installed premium roof weighs less than 3 pounds per square foot
  • Truly Resilient: Because GAF built RUBEROID® MOP PLUS GRANULE FR's with a heavy weight polyester mat, the core allows it to resist splits and tears. Why? Because it is actually pliable and can elongate without tearing.
  • LASTING Performance: This specially TPO roofing formulated modified asphalt gives RUBEROID® MOP PLUS FR lasting performance – which gives your pocket book great relief.
  • GAF Backed: RUBEROID® MOP PLUS GRANULE FR is backed by GAF, a company with over 100 years in the roofing business
  • Colors: Available with black or white granules
Hits: 5271

GAF’s RUBEROID® MOP GRANULE membrane is a tough, resilient modified bitumen membrane which has at it’s core a strong, resilient, non-woven polyester mat. This mat is coated flexible, SBS polymer- modified asphalt and is surfaced with mineral granules.

We at Curb Appeal roofing like RUBEROID® MOP GRANULE Membrane for both new roofing and reroofing applications and the construction of flashings. We’ve seen that RUBEROID® MOP GRANULE Membrane are also ideal for repairs of built-up roofing membranes or other modified bitumen systems.

GAF can provide atypical system with guarantees up to 15 years; select system constructions available with up to 20 year guarantee coverage. The system is lightweight — installed roof designs weigh less than 2 pounds per square foot. It is also very durable, since it’s specially formulated modified asphalt gives RUBEROID® MOP GRANULE Membrane lasting performance. And, if you are looking for a resilient and pliable roofing product, this is a good one. The RUBEROID® MOP GRANULE Membrane's polyester mat core allows it to resist splits and tears due to its pliability and elongation characteristics.  It’s available in granulated black, white, burnt sienna blend, cedar blend, slate blend, weathered wood blend.

Hits: 4975

Experience + Expertise + Certification + Licensed = Client Satisfaction

Our company has well over 35 years as a roofing and siding contractor in Edmond, OK. Curb Appeal Roofing Construction Company is one of a few GAF certified roofing companies that has been serving the roofing and exterior construction needs of Oklahoma. Throughout our construction history, Curb Appeal Roofing Construction has remained focused on customer satisfaction and delivering the highest quality construction product available from repairs to new construction and replacement. It is for this reason Curb Appeal Roofing Construction has become a roofing leader among Norman, Moore, Stillwater, Edmond and Edmond Roofing Companies. Our licensed, Insured and Certified roofers service roofs throughout Oklahoma. We do all types of Roofs, Siding, Gutters and Fencing.